St Marys and Elephant Pass Slope Stabilisation
St Marys and Elephant Pass experienced small rock falls, slips and soil failures due to significant rainfall events in late 2022. These failures caused the closure of St Marys Pass and a reduction of speed and capacity along Elephant Pass with its eventual closure after St Marys Pass reopened. pitt&sherry were integral in the assessment, design and surveillance of the repair works.
Project Aim
The aim of the project was to undertake slope stability repair works along St Marys Pass and Elephant Pass with the objective of reopening St Marys Pass as soon as possible and minimising disruption to traffic.
What we did
Our project team inspected the original damage experienced along each road due to the rainfall event and developed designs for areas requiring remediation works. Remediation design details were provided to a construction contractor for implementation and our geotechnical team provided onsite supervision to ensure the remediation works were undertaken consistent with the design intent.
The main failure on St Marys Pass was 8m deep x 45m long x 6m wide with the remediation works involving the removal of 3400m3 of material, reconstruction of the road for improved drainage and the installation of over 200 gabion baskets and 100 mass blocks to retain the upper and lower slopes.
pitt&sherry’s involvement in the project enabled the efficient completion of the repair works and minimised disruption to the travelling public. The remediation designs included provisions to minimise the potential for future heavy rainfall events to cause damage to the repaired sections of slope.